Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Love I Feel for You, I’m Not Exaggerating, is a Billion Times Greater than the Love for Mankind that Jesus Felt on the Cross…You can Take That to the Bank!

With no mother to spend the day with and no husband to encourage my kids to celebrate the holiday, I didn’t have the highest hopes for this Mother’s Day.  I couldn’t have been more wrong.  Apparently 12 years old is when you start realizing there are people in the world besides yourself.  My daughter not only shopped online WITH her brother and ordered me the sweetest, most Jenn-like gifts, but they gave me a great morning.  Ten hours of uninterrupted sleep (woohoo!!) and then Hannah made me breakfast, encouraging Nicky to help.  I’m really touched and proud at what a thoughtful, awesome girl I have. 

We had a fantastic day of family Rock Band, running the dunes (which they hate, but I love) without complaint, and then we had a lovely dinner followed by cuddling.  I feel immensely proud to have created kids who are compassionate and caring enough to ensure my Mother’s Day was amazing.  I’m honored to be the mother of Hannah and Nicholas Thompson.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

College is breaking my spirit, every single day, telling me things I don't know...its making me feel stupid

This article is absolutely brilliant and so snarky I could've written it myself. It makes sense, I DO have to chase my writing and it isn't going to unfuck itself. Maybe if I read this article every day I'll write. There are so many distractions in my brain that the writing has stopped...the writing has stopped. That's terrifying...I blame aron and life and school: